Saturday, March 5


early this year, our rambutan trees were crawling (literally) with these hairy caterpillars.  just the sight of them made MY skin crawl too.  i never found out what they metamorphosed into.


  1. there are moth caterpillars, and if you are lucky, birds will eat them, but maybe not, these guys are supper itchy...............

  2. eek! can't even look at the pics!

  3. yes, i guessed corrrectly then that they are moth cats. and you're right on the second point too. our resident bulbuls and even the brown shrike ignore these hairy creatures.

  4. imagine my reaction when i first saw them! and they come in congregations! eeek.

  5. Such nice pictures! Good resolution! I passed by and noticed the arch in the gate, very nice indeed! :)

  6. thanks tina! i've been wavering on the quality of my point-&-shoot (canon PSA1000IS) for sometime now, and your words are very welcome. re: gate arch, my mom finally decided to get professional help and get rid of our improvised arch which was falling under the weight of the jade vine. :-) i'll extend your compliment to her.

  7. did you notice when they changed clothes? were they small moths? colorful or scary? nice but really oooohhh...^_^

  8. hi ka rene! no, my mother got rid of most of them (but it was impossible to get them all!), and they probably dispersed because i never saw what they became. as cristy said, definitely moths.
